We are back AGAIN Wednesday the 27th of January
You will receive an Email or text soon CONTACT Gary if you dont.
Hi Tigers
It is so fantastic to welcome you all back.
It starts Wednesday the 27th of January
Both Wednesday and Friday will be scheduled the
Classes will be
5:00pm - 6:00pm, BEGINNER JUNIORS
6:00PM - 7:00pm, Mix Blues and Red Juniors
7:00pm - 8:30pm, Adults all belts, Junior
Black belts, CHO Dan BO and some larger bodied red belts.
The 6 and 7 pm classes will run similar to the
short period before Christmas.
We will be flexible to allow family groups to train
Saturday classes will change to, (conducted by
9:00am - 10am Sparring
10:00am -11am for poomsae
11:00am - 12noon Self defence
The aim of this is to allow a new Covid normal,
which is to keep class sizes balanced under the maximum number allowable for
the room.
Also the re-balance will allow for a better
learning environment for the students.
An added bonus is the understanding and support
from the YMCA management who have been most accommodating in enabling us to get
back on track.
We will enter the YMCA via the normal reception but
depart via the top door to avoid congestion in the reception area.
Please check your direct debit status with the
front desk as you enter through the normal reception area, if there are any
concerns please let me know so that we can get them sorted out.
After setting the class structures over the first
few weeks of Term 1, we will be able to understand the best outcomes for all,
and then sort the long term plan with the YMCA.
I will welcome any and all feedback or questions
that you may have in this exciting time, so don't hesitate to give me some.
Any new-comers that have not yet commenced direct
debits, see me first so that you can have the appropriate class allocated to