Neil Crammer. Elder statesman and Black Belt Graduate at 84
years of age.
Neil came to Tigers Taekwondo at the YMCA in 2007 as a 74
year old novice ready to have a go.
A recent search of the peak body for Taekwondo in Australia
records has revealed that when Neil completed his examination for black belt in
December 2012 he was the oldest person to have achieved this milestone in the
history of the sport in Australia.
It wasn’t as if he had a huge amount of spare time in his
hands, as a life member of the Diamond Valley Gem Club, he has to fit in Bowls
at the Ivanhoe Bowls Club where he has been a member since 1955, he has to front
up with his paintings at Diamond Valley Arts and catch up with the goings on of
the Melbourne PC Users Group.
Recently Neil succumbed to one of the scourges of our older
population, a heart condition that required bypassed surgery, Neil credits his
speedy recovery to the conditioning that he has acquired from Taekwondo, and
can be quoted “Taekwondo saved my life”
This man is a credit to his gender and his age, with a real
let’s have a “crack” attitude, and we at Tigers Taekwondo have had the privileged
to have known him and be educated by him.