Wednesday 27 April 2016

Qualifications For Nationals

Qualifications For Nationals
Enter Here
April 27th, 2016
2016 Australian National Championships
Clarification Notes:
We have received questions from a number of members in regard to the Nationals Package which was rec…ently released. The following information is provided for clarification:
Qualifications For Nationals
Colour Belt competitors must have qualified in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place in their State Selection competitions and Black Belt competitors must have the approval of their State Association.
State Team Wear
STAL supports all States and State Teams, therefore it is STAL preference that competitors wear a State Uniform where available. It is expected that all competitors will abide by State policies regarding uniforms.
STAL Registered Kukkiwon Certificates
If your Kukkiwon Certificate was not acquired through STAL, or you are not a holder of a WTF Global Athlete License, your Kukkiwon accreditation will not be registered in the STAL Kukkiwon Database. You are therefore requested to register your Kukkiwon Dan/Poom Certificate with STAL by emailing your name, Dan/Poom level and Kukkiwon Number to This information MUST be received prior to the closing date of entries (24 July 2016) to confirm your black belt accreditation and eligibility to enter the selection events.
The package will shortly be updated with the above clarifications.

The Victorian State selection event for STAL 2016 Nationals will be run by the new state body STVI in July with the date and information pack to be announced shortly.