Monday, 24 January 2022

THANKYOU so much to everyone in the Martial Arts Community

A Super fantastic day at Schembri's Taekwondo raising donations for Maddy Thorpe more to come dont miss the next one  

Over $4000.00 raised 

More videos and pics to follow.

NOW eyes up for the next great event creative poomsae to music in costume.

Help Maddy Thorpe Kicks + Flips Cancer - ONLINE CREATIVE POOMSAE COMPETITION

Event mode: ONLINE
Event registration: 22nd January - 12th March 2022
Event date: 20th March 2022

Fee $25 Donation to be deposited into the following bank account,

Account Name: Gary James Thorpe
BSB: 083 256
Account Number: 795210422

Any enquiries please email

Competition information can be download or read at below link:

Judging arrangement:
There will be 3 Judges allocated to each division.
Judge 1 will score Taekwondo technique only.
Judge 2 will score Entertainment value only.
Judge 3 will score the co ordination of music and actions only.
In case of a draw the competitor with the highest Entertainment value will be declared
the winner.

Video Guidelines: