Monday, 30 March 2015

Australian Taekwondo Community Survey


As a valued member of the Australian Taekwondo community, we would like to invite you to provide feedback on the future strategic direction of Taekwondo in Australia. 

Sports Taekwondo Australia is now recognised by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) as the National Sport Organisation for the sport in Australia. 

The Board is seeking to build an organisation that the Australian Taekwondo community will embrace and support to make Taekwondo the martial art and sport of choice for more people. It is very important that we understand your perceptions, so that together we can build an organisation around the needs of our members. 

The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, and must be submitted by 5pm Monday 13th April, 2015. 

Please note that all responses to this survey are anonymous, and at no stage will your personal details or individual responses be used for any purposes other than reporting on this research. This survey is being conducted by an independent company, Sport Business Partners, who will present the results to the Board, and is supported by the ASC to assist STA in developing its new strategic plan.

For any questions that you may have regarding this project please contact John Gradisar, Acting CEO of Sports Taekwondo Australia on 

We thank you in advance for your contribution to the future direction and growth of Taekwondo in Australia.

Yours sincerely, 

John Walker          John Gradisar 
Chairman                Acting CEO